Oceanography (OCEAN)

Oceanography (OCEAN) 101  
Intro To Oceanography  
Third dimension of the ocean, its depth, and as new frontier awaiting exploration; interdisciplinary study of ocean and interphase between air and water and how it affects the physical environment. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.
Eligibility for ENGLISH 101 based on prior coursework or appropriate score on Placement Test; or Consent of Department Chair  
3 Lecture hours. 3 Credit Hours.  
Offered At: OH, TR  
IAI: P1 905 GE: Physical Sciences  
Oceanography (OCEAN) 201  
Marine Sciences  
This course includes a wide-ranging study of Earth’s marine environment, emphasizing both the biotic and abiotic aspects of the ocean and the synchronous ways in which they interact. A strong emphasis is placed on understanding the challenges posed by abiotic conditions in the marine realm and the adaptations observed in marine organisms that allow them to survive despite these challenges. We will focus on the analysis of abiotic data sets (temperature, currents, sea topography, tidal cycles, etc.) and biotic data (fish populations, distribution and abundance of marine communities). Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.
Eligibility for ENGLISH 101 based on prior coursework or appropriate score on Placement Test; or Consent of Department Chair  
3 Lecture hours. 3 Credit Hours.  
Offered At: TR  
IAI: P1 905 GE: Physical Sciences