Article VIII. Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities At CCC


Section 8.01 Students with Disabilities

Procedures: Students with Disabilities – Procedures.

No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be academically dismissed from participation in or be denied the benefits of its services, programs or activities, or be subjected to discrimination. CCC’s goal is to promote equality of opportunity and full participation in our services, programs and activities. CCC endeavors to provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and all pertinent federal, state and local anti-discrimination laws. Students who believe they have a need for disability accommodations are responsible for requesting such accommodation(s) and are responsible for providing all requisite documentation to verify eligibility to the ACCESS Center. ACCESS Centers ( will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified students with disabilities as required by law.

If a student has a personal support worker through the home based support services program for adults with mental disabilities under the developmental disability and mental disability services act, City Colleges of Chicago will permit the personal support worker to attend class with the student subject to the provisions of the act. 

Section 8.02 Name Change

Procedures: Name Change – Procedures.

  1. Legal Name Change

Name change requests must be made in writing; forms are available in the Office of the Registrar. Two identification documents must accompany the request. All documents must indicate the student’s new name, at least one of the documents must be a valid photo ID, and at least one document must link the change from former name to current name. Approved identification documents include:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Divorce decree
  • Driver’s license (with picture)
  • State ID (with picture)
  • U.S. military ID (with picture)
  • Mexican Consular ID (with picture)
  • Tribal ID (with picture)
  • Social Security card
  • Passport
  • Court order

    The completed name change request and supporting documents will be maintained on file in the Office of the Registrar.  Upon verification, the student’s name will be changed in the student information system and on the student’s record; the former name will remain as history in the student information system. Note: for financial aid purposes, a student’s legal name is the name that is on file with the Social Security Administration.
  1. Preferred First Name
    CCC recognizes that some students identify themselves with names other than their legal name and acknowledges that a preferred first name should be used whenever possible in the course of CCC business and education, except where the use of the legal name is necessitated by CCC business, legal or compliance requirement. CCC permits a student to designate a preferred first name in addition to their legal (primary) name within the student information system.

    Some students who indicate a preferred first name may also choose to be referred to by a preferred pronoun. CCC encourages the CCC community to use a student’s preferred pronoun.

    CCC reserves the right to approve use of the preferred name and in which information systems and student records it will and will not appear. The preferred first name must meet each of the following criteria to be approved for use:
    • Is a first name which the student is already using in day-to-day life
    • Is not used to avoid a legal obligation or misrepresent oneself, and
    • Is not offensive or otherwise inappropriate.

Students may not change their preferred name more often than once per academic year.

Section 8.03 Educational Records – Student Access

Students and former students have the right to inspect and review their educational records. Students and former students must put their request to inspect and review their educational records in writing. This request must be submitted to the chief administrator of the office in which the desired education records are located. The requested educational records will be made available to the student within forty-five (45) calendar days of the student’s written request. A staff member of the college office where the student’s records are located must be present at all times during the course of the inspection.

During the inspection, the student has the right to request an explanation and interpretation of the records. The student has the right to a copy of the educational records, with the following exceptions:

  • The college may refuse the copy, but may not limit the student’s right to inspect and review that record. 
  • The City Colleges does not provide original or copies of third party educational records that have been submitted to the City Colleges.

Section 8.04 Educational Records – Limitations of Students’ Rights to Inspect and Review

The college is not required to permit students to inspect and review the following:

  • Financial information submitted by parents.
  • Confidential letters and recommendations placed in their files prior to January 1, 1975, provided these letters were collected under established policies of confidentiality and were used only for the purpose(s) for which collected.
  • Confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission, employment or job placement, or honors to which students have waived right of inspection and review.
  • Education records containing information about more than one student; however, in such cases the institutions must permit access to that part of the record which pertains only to the inquiring student.

Section 8.05 Educational Records – Challenge of the Contents

Procedures: Educational Records – Challenge of the Contents – Procedures.

Students have the right to challenge the contents of their records which they consider to be inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights.

Students may request an appeal up to three (3) terms after the term being challenged. If the appeal request is greater than three (3) terms, then the student must provide evidence to support the appeal.

See Appeal Instructional Grading, Academic Dishonesty for information about final grade appeals.

Section 8.06 Educational Records – Disclosure

Procedures: Education Records – Disclosure – Procedures.

  1. Disclosure with Written Consent of the Student
    CCC may not release information from a student’s record without the student’s written consent, except as noted below. Written consent must positively identify the student (student ID number or otherwise), be signed and dated by the student, and specify:
    • Records to be released
    • Purpose of the disclosure
    • Identity of the party(ies) to whom disclosure may be made
  2. Disclosure without Written Consent of the Student
    Written consent of the student is not always required. CCC must release a student’s record, as follows:
    • Students who request information from their own records; such requests must be appropriately documented.
    • Authorized representatives who audit and evaluate federally supported programs or for the enforcement of or compliance with federal legal requirements related to those programs:
      • Comptroller General or Attorney General of the United States
      • Secretary of the United States Department of Health, Education and Welfare
      • United States Commissioner of Education, Director of National Institute of Education
      • Assistant Secretary of Education
      • State or local educational authorities
      • External auditing firms who contract with the District for the purpose of annual compliance reviews
    • Student education records may be disclosed to the following:
      • College personnel determined by the college to have a legitimate interest in or need for such records.
      • Officials of other colleges in which a student seeks to enroll, on condition that the issuing institution makes a reasonable attempt to inform the student of the disclosure, or makes such transfer of information a stated institutional policy.
      • Persons or organizations providing to the student financial aid or determining financial aid decisions concerning eligibility, amount, condition, and enforcement of terms of said aid.
      • Organizations conducting studies to develop, validate and administer predictive tests, to administer student aid programs, or to improve instruction. Those organizations may not disclose personal identification of students, and information secured must be destroyed when no longer needed for their projects. Institutions are advised to obtain such assurance in writing.
      • Accrediting organizations carrying out their accrediting functions.
      • Parents of a student who has established that a student’s status as a dependent according to Internal Revenue Code 4 of 1954, Section 152.
      • Persons in compliance with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena provided that the institution first make a reasonable attempt to notify the student. In such cases, a letter will be sent to the student at his/her last known address. A copy of this letter should be retained along with the subpoena in the student’s file.
      • Persons in compliance with a lawfully signed release form from the student.
      • Persons in an emergency, if the knowledge of information, in fact, is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons.
      • In specific circumstances, to state and local officials or authorities to whom such information is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosed pursuant to state statute if the allowed reporting or disclosure concerns the juvenile justice system and the system’s ability to effectively serve the student whose records are released.
      • In specific circumstances, final results of disciplinary proceedings held against a student for a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense may be disclosed including disclosure to the victim of an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or a non-forcible sex offense.
      • In specific circumstances, to a parent of a student under the age of 21 years old regarding the student’s violation of any federal, state or local law or of any rule or policy of the institution, governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Section 8.07 Educational Records – Records of Requests and Disclosures

The college office where the records are located will be required to maintain separated records of requests and disclosures, or personally identifiable information. The records of requests, whether granted or not, will include the name and address of the person(s) requesting the information and his/her legitimate interest in the information. Records of requests and disclosures should not be maintained for the following:

  • Those requests made by students for their own use.
  • Those disclosures made in response to written requests from students.
  • Those made by college officials, administrators, faculty or other college staff member deemed to have the right of access by the administrator in charge of the office from which the student records are being requested.
  • Those specified as Directory Information.

Documentation of requests and disclosures of student information must also be made by the college office where the records are kept, and kept in the student’s file. This document, once completed, is deemed part of the student’s education record and should be incorporated as such; thereby, it must be retained as an official student record for the life of the document to which it refers.

Section 8.08 Educational Records – Parental Access to Information

A student’s parent may obtain personally identifiable information from a student’s educational records by:

  • Obtaining the student’s written consent, or
  • Having the parent establish the student’s dependency as defined by Internal Revenue Code 4 of 1954, Section 152. If the parent is claiming dependency, proof of such must be submitted at the time the request is made.

Section 8.09 Wellness Center Services

Wellness center clinical services are only available to students enrolled in the term in which they are seeking services. The Clinical Director may grant exceptions on a limited basis for faculty and staff, emergency cases, and students in between enrollment periods.

Wellness Center records are never part of a student’s educational record. Specifically, Illinois and federal laws subject mental health information, including psychotherapy, counseling, and case management records, to special protections. Generally, the Wellness Centers release such client records only with the client’s written authorization or with an appropriate court order.

The Wellness Centers release confidential records to an individual or agency outside of the Wellness Center only when at least one of the following conditions is present:

  • The client provides written permission to release the confidential information by signing an Authorization for Release of Information form.
  • There is a clear and substantial risk that the client is in imminent danger of causing serious physical harm to him/herself or others. In these circumstances, staff is legally required to take action for safety and life preservation.
  • The client discloses information indicating that a minor child or a vulnerable adult is being abused; in these cases, staff is legally required to report the abuse to the appropriate child or adult protective services agency.
  • A court subpoena mandates that the information must be disclosed to a court of law.
  • A Wellness Center staff member, intern, therapist, case manager, or counselor is subjected to an investigation or charges against the individual by a state licensing or professional board.
  • To comply with the Illinois Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information Act.

Section 8.10 College Responsibility Regarding Released Information

A college is responsible for informing parties to whom personally identifiable information is released, that the recipients are not permitted to disclose the information to others without written consent of the student(s). When a response is made pursuant to any request for student information, other than those requests by students, a document with the following statement should be attached to the disclosed information:

“The attached information has been forwarded to you at the request of the student with understanding that it will not be released to other parties. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 prohibits release of this information without the student’s written consent. Please return this material to us if you are unable to comply with this condition of release.

Section 8.11 Student Responsibilities Regarding Registration and Enrollment

Procedures: Student Responsibilities Regarding Registration and Enrollment

It is the responsibility of each student to become knowledgeable of the policies, procedures, and requirements to satisfy the conditions of registration, and criteria for enrollment in and completion of courses and academic programs. Students are responsible for developing their class schedules, enrolling in the required laboratory courses, and satisfying the prerequisite and/or co-requisite course requirements. Each student must accurately record and provide proof of their residential status (see Student ’s Responsibility to Maintain Current Address) and demographic data to complete their registration. Failure to fulfill these responsibilities can cause additional charges and/or affect enrollment status. The Colleges will provide a variety of services to help students satisfy their responsibilities.

Section 8.12 Student Records Maintenance

The following records may be maintained by the Office of the Registrar:

  • Admissions data and information
  • Educational information which constitutes a student’s academic record, including bio/demographic information, terms enrolled, course enrollments and class schedules, final grades, non-grade designations, course withdrawals, service indicators (holds), transferred in courses and credits, credits earned by testing or assessment, grade point average, etc.
  • International student records
  • Test scores
  • Permanent record cards
  • Student information cards and class scheduling cards
  • Class revisions cards
  • Transcripts from other educational institutions
  • Appeals for readmission
  • Attendance records
  • Correspondence from Social Security, Department of Homeland Security, etc.

The following records may be found in the Financial Aid Office:

  • Applications for financial aid
  • Grants awarded
  • Supplemental documentation in support of financial aid applications

The following records may be found in the Business Office:

  • Student financial records, including tuition and charges, payment and credit transactions, amounts owed, etc.

Section 8.13 Directory Information

City Colleges of Chicago hereby designates the following student information as “Directory Information.” Such information may be disclosed by the colleges for any purpose, at their discretion.

Student’s name, address, telephone listing, CCC electronic mail (email) address, photograph, major field of study(program and plan), dates of attendance, grade level, enrollment status (e.g., full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, degrees/certificates, honors and awards received, and the most recent educational agency or institution attended.

Currently enrolled students may withhold disclosure of any of the above “Directory Information” under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in the Office of Admissions and Registration. Forms requesting the withholding of “Directory Information” are available in the Office of the Registrar at each of the City Colleges of Chicago.

Failure on the part of a student to specifically request the withholding of “Directory Information” indicates individual approval for disclosure. The FERPA hold remains on the student's record until removal requested in writing by student and they apply districtwide. For additional information regarding FERPA, please check its web site at

Section 8.14 Supportive Intervention Team (SIT)

Procedures: Supportive Intervention Team (SIT) – Procedures.

CCC is committed to protecting the health, safety, and well-being of its students, faculty, and staff. Under the guidance of the 2008 Illinois Higher Education Safety Enhancement Act, CCC has established Supportive Intervention Teams at each of its Colleges and the District Office.

Supportive Intervention Teams (SITs) are dedicated to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for the CCC community. To achieve this goal, SITs conduct behavioral threat assessments for persons who might pose a safety risk to themselves or others. SITs investigate concerning behavior and assess the level of threat by:

  • Developing and implementing an intervention plan for the safety of all;
  • Identifying sources of support for the person of concern; and
  • Providing ongoing support, monitoring, and recommendations to the College President.

SITs can provide referrals for counseling and other supportive intervention, recommend administrative removal from campus, or recommend that no action be taken.

The SIT Process does not replace the Student Disciplinary Process regarding violations of the Student Conduct Code or the Office of Safety and Security’s responsibility for safety on campus. Violations of the Student Conduct Code should be addressed via the Student Disciplinary Hearing process and safety concerns should be reported to Campus Security.

Each City College has its own SIT, as does the District Office. SITs are composed of CCC faculty and staff from a broad range of disciplines and departments including Student Services, Wellness Center, Security, Human Resources, Disability Access Center, and Faculty personnel. College SIT members are appointed by the President of the College and District SIT members are appointed by the Provost & Chief Academic Officer.

  1. Administrative Removal from College
    In situations where a student’s presence at CCC constitutes a substantial and sustained threat to the health, safety and well-being of the college community, the President, in consultation with the College’s SIT, and with the approval of the District SIT Team, may remove the student from the College or all City Colleges, for a definite or indefinite amount of time. For more information, see ADR – Administrative Removal from College.
  2. Appeal for Readmission after Administrative Removal
    The student will also have the opportunity to appeal any administrative removal to the Provost & Chief Academic Officer, in consultation with the CCC District SIT.

Section 8.15 Student Citizen Rights

The rights afforded students by virtue of registration and enrollment at CCC shall in no manner be construed to nullify or limit any other constitutional or legal rights or freedoms possessed by students as citizens or residents of the United States or the State of Illinois. Foreign-born students have the same rights and responsibilities, except as limited by law.

Section 8.16 Right to Assemble or Organize

Renamed: formerly Right to Organize.

All students of City Colleges of Chicago are free to exercise lawfully their constitutional right to assemble on CCC property. Students may use CCC buildings, facilities, and other services in conformity with approved policies and procedures. CCC may establish reasonable time, place and manner regulations regarding the use of its public facilities to ensure that individuals and groups exercising their legitimate rights do not infringe on the rights of others or disrupt the educational process or other operations of the District.

Students have a right to form or join any college organization or club provided that:

  1. the organization or club does not violate CCC’s non-discrimination policies; and
  2. they submit to (and receive approval from) the Director of Student Activities (or designee).

Such organizations or clubs will be permitted to use college facilities during normal operating hours when such use does not interfere with instructional or other activities at the college. Such organizations or clubs must comply with the rules and regulations of the District.

Section 8.17 Academic Integrity and Dishonesty

CCC is committed to the ideals of truth and honesty. Students are expected to adhere to high standards of honesty and integrity in their academic endeavors. Plagiarism and cheating of any kind are serious violations of these standards.

Academic dishonesty is a serious offense, which includes but is not limited to the following: cheating, complicity, fabrication and falsification, forgery, and plagiarism. Cheating involves copying another student’s paper, exam, quiz, or use of technology devices to exchange information during class time and/or testing. It also involves the unauthorized use of notes, calculators, and other devices or study aids. In addition, it includes the unauthorized collaboration on academic work of any sort. Complicity, on the other hand, involves the attempt to assist another student to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Fabrication and falsification, respectively, involve the invention or alteration of any information (data, results, sources, identity, etc.) in academic work. Another example of academic dishonesty is forgery, which involves the duplication of a signature in order to represent it as authentic. In addition, students who reuse their own material (coursework, published material, research, etc) must receive approval from their current instructor prior to submitting work used in another class, otherwise this may be considered a form of plagiarism.  Lastly, plagiarism involves the failure to acknowledge sources (of ideas, facts, charges, illustrations, etc.) properly in academic work, thus falsely representing other source material as one’s own work. The use of artificial intelligence tools without the explicit permission of the instructor is a form of academic dishonesty. For additional guidance on responsible AI use, please refer to your syllabi, faculty and student AI guidelines and the responsible AI use policy.

In individual cases of academic dishonesty, sanctions may include one or more of the following: an F grade on an assignment where academic dishonesty occurred, a written warning, a failing grade for the course, and/or issuing of an academic dishonesty withdrawal (see ADH – Academic Dishonesty Withdrawal). The severity of the penalty is left to the discretion of the instructor, except the issuing of an academic dishonesty withdrawal which requires Vice President approval. A student may appeal a finding of academic dishonesty (see Appeal Instructional Grading, Academic Dishonesty).

Additional sanctions may be imposed up to and including dismissal from CCC when circumstances warrant it and/or the revocation of a previously awarded degree or certificate (see Revocation of Degrees or Certificates). A student may appeal additional sanctions (see Disciplinary Hearings and Appeal of Discipline).

Section 8.18 Standards of Conduct

Policy History: Standards of Conduct

  1. Definition of “Student”
    For the purposes of this policy, a “student” means any person who is admitted, registered or enrolled for study at CCC, regardless of where courses are taught, whether they are enrolled full-time or part-time for credit or non-credit courses, for any academic period. Any person who is enrolled in online or hybrid courses is also considered a “student.” Any person who is not enrolled for a particular term, but who has been admitted and enrolled in courses from time to time, and has a continuing relationship with CCC is considered a “student.” Any person who withdraws after allegedly violating the student code of conduct is considered a “student” for purposes of this policy.
  2. Definition of “Visitor” and Visitor Standards of Conduct
    A visitor is defined as an individual who is not a member of the CCC community who is on CCC premises. CCC reserves the right to remove visitors, guests, and patrons of CCC if their behavior or actions are malicious in nature, violate any current CCC policy, or threaten the safety of the College’s administration, faculty, staff, or students.

    In certain instances, CCC may also issue a Notice of No Trespass. Notices of No Trespass are in effect for a period of not less than one (1) year from the time they are issued. Any visitor or guest who is issued a Notice of No Trespass must meet with specific CCC personnel to seek permission to return. Visitors and guests who have been issued a Notice of No Trespass and wish to attend a CCC sponsored activity or return to CCC for an event must meet with the Director of Safety and Security and his/her designee prior to the event and, if the Notice of No Trespass is withdrawn, a withdrawal letter will be issued. Visitors and guests who have been issued a “Notice of No Trespass” and wish to enroll in a credit or non-credit course or program must meet with the Dean of Student Services or designee in order to obtain permission to enter campus premises for educational purposes and with any appropriate restrictions. If the “Notice of No Trespass” was related to sexual misconduct, the Dean of Student Services will confer with the EEO Office prior to making a final decision. If approved, the Dean of Student Services will notify the Director of Safety and Security, the other Dean of Student Services at all colleges, and the Associate Vice Chancellor of Advising and Student Success.
  3. Student Misconduct
    CCC students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is considerate of the  rights of others and which will not impair the educational mission of the college. Specifically, all students assume an obligation to conform to Board Rules, Policies, and statement of Students Rights and Responsibilities. See Student Conduct Complaint.
    “The Standards of Conduct applies and discipline may be imposed for conduct which occurs on College premises, at off campus recreational or instructional sites, at any College-sponsored event, or at any College supervised or provided activity, transportation or facility.
  4. Types of Misconduct
    Misconduct for which students are subject to college discipline falls into the following categories:
    1. Academic dishonesty – includes but is not limited to cheating, complicity, fabrication and falsification, forgery, plagiarism, or unauthorized access to examination materials. See Academic Integrity and Dishonesty.
    2. Dishonesty involving college documents, records or identification cards – stealing, forgery, alteration or improper use of college documents, records, or identification cards with intent to defraud, and knowingly furnishing false information to the college.
      • 2.1a: Forgery of an administrative staff person, faculty member, or student’s name; alteration or misuse of college documents, records, identification; or possession of documents and records belonging to another.
      • 2.1b: Deliberate misrepresentation of facts and/or knowingly furnishing false information to college departments and/or officials.
      • 2.1c: Use of the College’s name, image, or logo without proper authorization or with intent to misrepresent or defraud.
      • 2.1d: Misrepresentation - Lying, misrepresenting of facts or giving false testimony to any college official is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to forging, transferring, altering, wrongfully obtaining or otherwise misusing documents including being in possession of an ID other than your own and/or a fake ID.
      • Misrepresentation includes but is not limited to any misuse of college funds, using the college logo or name without appropriate permission and/or to falsely attribute an activity to the college.
      • Representing oneself as City Colleges of Chicago in signing a contract or agreement, falsification of any college record or use of any computer to gain unauthorized access to an existing college record is not permitted
    3. Obstruction or disruption of any learning environment or college activities – intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary proceedings, or other college activities or conduct that creates a hostile working or learning environment.
      • 3.1a: Engaging in violent, abusive, indecent, profane, boisterous, unreasonable loud, lewd behavior, derogatory language and/or images, or otherwise disorderly conduct under any circumstance including in-person, virtual, and/or online. This includes any conduct that causes or provokes a disturbance or disrupts the normal operations of the college.
      • 3.1b: Any action that causes inconvenience annoyance, or alarm to others, or which interferes with the rights of other individuals (including the right to quiet study), disturbs the public peace, endangers personal well-being or causes a risk of/or physical harm to public or private property
      • 3.1c: Any conduct or behavior that disrupts teaching is a violation. Examples include, but are not limited to, talking during class, playing music, playing games/videos or using headphones for non-class related activities.
      • 3.1d: The unauthorized recording and transmitting of class sessions. Unauthorized means not obtaining consent from classmates and the instructor. Please note: If there is a need to record a class session to document behavior that is illegal and/or violating the health and safety of the virtual classroom (e.g. cyber bullying, threatening comments, use of inappropriate language, etc.), no consent is needed.
    4. Conduct that threatens health or safety – conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person including but not limited to physical assault, threats that cause a person to fear for one’s own safety or the safety of her or his family, and incidents involving the possession, display, or use of a weapon. Includes such misconduct occurring via any telecommunication device, social media, or any other web-based means of communication.
      • Issues of Harassment/Intimidation (4.1), Stalking (4.2), or Sexual Misconduct (4.3), or Acts of Discrimination including written and verbal actions (4.4) will follow the CCC Equal Opportunity Policy and Complaint Procedures.

(4.5) Hazing
City Colleges of Chicago prohibits hazing by campus groups, organizations, and/or individuals. Any person or organization that, in the course of an individual’s initiation or affiliation into an organization, intentionally or recklessly engages in conduct that creates a risk of physical injury or mental distress to that individual or group of individuals will be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Any person suffering from an incident of hazing, witnessing an incident of hazing, or have knowledge of an incident of hazing shall report the incident to the Dean of Student Services.

4.5a: The threat to inflict bodily harm or the action of inflicting bodily harm to an individual as part of an initiation rite is prohibited.

4.5b: The forced purchase or consumption of alcohol or drugs as part of an initiation rite is prohibited.

4.5c: the forced participation in any kind of sexual activity as a condition for affiliation or as part of an initiation rite is prohibited.

4.5d: the creation of excessive fatigue or prevention of individuals from participating in classroom activities or interacting with fellow students as part of any initiation rite is prohibited.

4.5e: Forced participation in any other activity that endangers the physical or mental health of an individual is prohibited. 

4.5f: Any student who willingly participates in any acts of hazing will also be in violation and subject to disciplinary proceedings.

(4.6)  Physical Altercation/Violent/Threatening Behavior
The intentional use of force or violence directed upon another: Physical altercations or physical contact, which includes, but is not limited to fighting, slapping, pushing, punching and/or contact using a weapon of any sort for the purpose of physical abuse or violence involving physical contact.

(4.7)  Weapons/Firearms/Explosives
The use, possession and/or storage of firearms, ammunition, explosives, fireworks or other lethal weapons of any kind in motor vehicles, buildings or elsewhere on college premises or during college activities are prohibited.
The penalty for possession weapons may be subject to expulsion. If a student is found responsible, automatic expulsion will be rendered.

Specific violations of this policy include, but are not limited to, the possession, use or threat of use of any of the following items:

  • Any firearm (including any weapon or instrument from which a shot, projectile, or other object may be discharged by force, whether operable or inoperable, loaded or unloaded);
  • Any toy gun which, based on color, design or appearance, would be considered by a reasonable person to be an actual firearm;
  • Any deadly weapon, defined as any instrument, item, or material readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury;
  • Any BB gun, pellet gun, air rifle, paint gun, sword (whether decorative or not), or other martial arts weapon;
  • Any knife (other than an ordinary pocketknife carried in a closed position, with a blade of three inches or less or cutlery of a reasonable size, when used in a kitchen or other food preparation area); or
  • Any explosive chemical or device including a substance or a combination of substances possessed or prepared for the purpose of producing a visible or audible effect by combustion, explosion, deflagration, or detonation, including fireworks and illegal or potentially dangerous chemicals.


  • Students who hold a conceal carry permit are not allowed to be in possession of their firearm on CCC property, including, including parking lots, campus grounds, buildings, or elsewhere on college premises, including parking lots, campus grounds, buildings, or elsewhere on college premises. 
  • 3D printing, machining, or otherwise producing/ drawing/designing any of the above-described items or their parts using CCC property or on CCC premises is also a violation of this policy.
  • See Disciplinary Hearings Involving Allegations of Sexual Harassment 
  1. Theft or vandalism
    • 5.1a: Theft of property, including taking without express permission, or misappropriation of, any property or services of CCC or others; or possession of any property that the student had knowledge, or reasonably should have had knowledge, was stolen.
    • 5.1b: Damage to or destruction of CCC premises or property or to the property of a member of the CCC community while on institutional premises.
  2. Failure to comply – failure to comply with college officials acting in the performance of their duties.
  3. Breaching Campus Saftey or Security
    • 7.1a: Unauthorized access to college facilities; intentionally damaging door locks; unauthorized possession of college keys or access cards. Duplicating college keys or access cards; or propping open of exterior security doors.
    • 7.1b: Tampering with fire safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, alarm pull stations emergency exits, or other safety equipment
    • 7.1c: Placement of equipment or vehicles to obstruct the means of access to or from college buildings or intentional obstruction of the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on college premises or at college sponsored functions.
  4. Retaliation – including retaliation or harassment against any student, program participant, employee or other person(s) who make complaints or cooperate in the investigation of EEO matters and complaints, student grievances, and/or student disciplinary matters.
  5. Alcohol and controlled substances
    • 9.1a: Alcohol possession and/or consumption, including the possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages except at an off-campus activity where all in attendance meet the minimum age established by state law and where the location of the activity does not prohibit such beverages.
    • 9.1b: Controlled substance possession and/or consumption, including the possession, sale, use or distribution of any narcotic drug, marijuana, or other addictive or hallucinogenic substance prohibited by law. See Drug and Alcohol Free Campus
    • 9.1c: Consumption of alcohol and/or controlled substance or intoxication during class in-person or virtually. 
  6. Clinical/Practicum Misconduct

​​​Students should refer to clinical program policies and procedures which address academic performance, including adherence to ethical and professional standards.  These separate clinical program policies and procedures may result in dismissal of a student from a program or other appropriate action by the program.

11. ​​Violations of CCC policies   

Section 8.19 Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information

Procedures: Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Information – Procedures.

In accordance with the Student Optional Disclosure of Private Mental Health Act (2016), CCC provides students the option to authorize in writing the disclosure of certain private mental health information to a designated person. Under this Act, CCC will disclose information to this designated person if a physician, clinical psychologist or other qualified examiner employed by

CCC makes a determination that the student poses a clear danger to himself, herself or to others, or to protect the student or other person against a clear, imminent risk of serious mental or physical injury, disease, or death.

Students may opt to designate an emergency mental health contact, opt not to designate a contact, change their contact, or delete a previously designated contact.

The physician, clinical psychologist, mental health provider, or other qualified examiner will, as soon as practicable, but in no more than 24 hours after making the determination, attempt to contact the designated person and notify the designated person that a determination has been made that the student poses a clear, imminent danger to himself, herself, or others.

Section 8.20 Mediation

Policy history: Mediation.
Note: this policy was deleted effective March 2017.

Section 8.21 Disciplinary Hearings

Policy History: Disciplinary Hearings.
Procedures: Disciplinary Hearings – Procedures.

  1. Due Process Pre-Hearing Meeting
    The respondent(s) will be contacted by the Dean of Student Services or designee from the Dean of Student Services Office to advise them of the alleged violations of the Code. The Dean of Student Services or designee will officially explain and review with the respondent student their Due Process Rights. The student must sign the Due Process Rights form verifying receipt of the notice of “student rights” contained within. The Dean of Student Services or designee will inform the respondent in writing of the scheduled date of their forthcoming hearing within two (2) academic days following this meeting.

    See Glossary of Terms for the definition of “academic days.”
  2. Interim Suspension
    The Dean of Student Services or designee is authorized to suspend the student against whom a complaint is made, pending the Formal Disciplinary Hearing in instances in which the Due Process Hearing Meeting indicates a substantial threat to the good order, safety, or well-being of the college community. The student will remain on suspension until the outcome of the hearing is rendered, up to fifteen (15) academic days.
  3. Informal Hearing
    The Informal Hearing Agreement provides students with minor violations, as determined by the Code, with an option for resolving matters in an informal manner. After conducting an investigation of the facts of the conduct case, the Dean of Student Services or designee or designee (at his or her discretion) determines whether or not the violations committed may be resolved through the Informal Resolution Agreement. This procedure may be exercised in lieu of referring the case to the Disciplinary Committee for a formal conduct hearing.  The Informal Resolution Agreement may be conducted by the Dean of Student Services or designee. The Information Resolution Agreement procedure consists of four steps and the student must agree to all four conditions if he or she wishes to resolve the case informally:
    1. The student must agree that he or she has violated the Student Code of Conduct.
    2. The student must agree with the sanction(s) proposed by the Conduct Dean of Student Services or designee or the Dean of Students.
    3. The student must agree to waive his or her right to a formal hearing before the Conduct Board.
    4. The student must agree to waive his or her right to an appeal. If the student agrees to all four conditions, he/she will be required to sign the Informal Resolution Agreement. The student will be provided with a copy and a disciplinary file and record will be created and maintained.
  4. Formal Disciplinary Hearing
    A college’s Disciplinary Committee provides students, against whom a compliant has been made, the opportunity to communicate their position on the allegations brought forward. When the student has been interim suspended pending the Formal Disciplinary Hearing, the student shall have the right to a Formal Disciplinary Hearing within five (5) academic days of the start of the suspension. The student shall be allowed to bring no more than one (1) observer; which includes, but is not limited to: family members, faculty, staff, and or students. These individuals are not allowed to speak in the actual hearing. If a student fails to appear when the case is called for a hearing, without just cause, the hearing may proceed in the student’s absence and the student will forfeit the right to appeal all final determinations. If there are any questions as to what constitutes just cause, the District Office Judicial Affairs team will be consulted.
  5. Disciplinary Hearings Involving Allegations of Sexual Harassment
    Sexual harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other expressive or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:
    1. submission to such conduct is made a condition of employment or education;
    2. submission to or rejection of such conduct is the basis for an academic or a personnel decision affecting the individual; or
    3. such conduct interferes with the individual’s academic or work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or work environment.
      Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, sexual advances, repeated date requests, sexual gestures, sexual cartoons or images, discussions about sexual activity, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual misconduct, and sexual assault.
  6. Remote Hearing Participation
    In situations where the accused student’s presence at the College constitutes a substantial threat of harm to members of the College community, the President in consultation with the College’s Supportive Intervention Team, can order that the student participate in the disciplinary hearing remotely via telephone, videophone, video-conference, or by other means determined by the College.
  7. Accommodations and Assistance
    1. As per Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), students with documented disabilities may request reasonable accommodations at their conduct hearing, appeal, or any part of the conduct process, including communication regarding the process. It is the student's responsibility to determine if accommodations are needed. The Dean of Student Services or designee will not make that determination. These accommodations include, but are not limited to: a sign language interpreter, the presence of a service animal, the presence of a reader or other trained, professional assistant, etc. For more information, contact the college's Disability Access Centers (DAC). It is the student's responsibility to arrange for accommodations and notify the Dean of Student Services or designee within three (3) academic days of receiving the initial letter that accommodations are being sought.

      The Dean of Student Services or designee is not responsible for arranging accommodations, but will work with the college's DAC to make all reasonable accommodations. A professional from the DAC must arrange and/or handle the accommodations. As per ADA, students with disabilities are expected to adhere to the conduct policies applicable to all students.

      As is the case with all students in the process, the complainant and/or the alleged student is responsible for presenting their own case. Any person(s) providing approved accommodations in the hearing will not be guiding the student in what to say, points to bring up, or otherwise involve themselves in the hearing. This expectations will be communicated by Dean of Student Services or designee to DAC as well.
    2. Students may request to have a translator present at their hearing and any meetings related to their case. It is the student's responsibility to determine if a translator is needed. The Dean of Student Services or designee will not make that determination.
      1. The request to have a translator present must be made in writing within three (3) academic days prior to any hearing. The Dean of Student Services or designee will attempt to locate a translator connected to the College. The translator cannot be a friend or family member and cannot be another student at the College.

As is the case with all students in the conduct process, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they are able to understand communication from the Code of Conduct Office and ask for clarification when necessary.

Section 8.22 Appeal of Discipline

Procedures: Appeal of Discipline – Procedures.

In the event the student charged disagrees with any suspension in excess of five (5) academic days, college dismissal, or expulsion, the student may appeal the decision in writing. See Glossary of Terms for the definition of “academic days.”

  1. Conditions of Appeal
    The student shall have the right to appeal a disciplinary decision arising from a Formal Disciplinary Hearing within ten (10) academic days of the student’s receipt of the College President’s decision. Appeals are not re-hearings, are not granted on the basis of disagreement with the original decision, and should be based upon one or more of the following:
    • There was a denial of a fair hearing.
    • There was insufficient evidence to establish responsibility.
    • There was new information available that was not available at the time of the hearing which may have affected the disciplinary decision.
    • The severity of the sanction exceeds the severity of the violation.
    • The hearing process involved a substantial deviation from policy and/or procedure to the disfavor of the student.
    • There exists exceptional circumstances to limit an expulsion to a certain college or colleges.
  2. Appeal Process and Outcome
    The Provost & Chief Academic Officer or Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Student Experience Officer shall appoint a District Judicial Affairs Committee, consisting of at least three (3) administrators and one (1) student representative to review Appeals of Discipline for suspensions, dismissals, or expulsions and to render a recommendation to the Provost & Chief Academic Officer. The Provost & Chief Academic Officer or Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Student Experience Officer’s decision may uphold the College President’s decision, limit its duration, reverse the decision, permit the student to enroll in another City College, or make such other disposition as deemed just and proper under the circumstances. The student shall have the right to be notified of the Provost & Chief Academic Officer or Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Student Experience Office’s decision within ten (10) academic days of receipt of the student’s appeal. The decision shall be final and effective immediately upon issuance.

    In incidents of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, simultaneous notification when results become final or of any change in finding or discipline shall also be made to the victim.
  3. Petition for Readmission
    In exceptional instances, a student dismissed from a College or expelled from all City Colleges  for disciplinary reasons may petition for readmission. To qualify for consideration, the  student’s petition for readmission must be accompanied by documented evidence of good citizenship and a personal statement that speaks to a self-understanding of the concerning behavior that led to the dismissal or expulsion and which demonstrates personal development that supports the belief that the concerning behavior will not be repeated. A student is eligible to petition for readmission no less than five (5) years following the date of dismissal or expulsion. The petition decision rests with the President of the College the student wishes to attend, and the President’s decision must be approved by the Provost & Chief Academic Officer.

Section 8.23 Student Grievances (Non-Academic)

Procedures: Student Grievances (Non-Academic) – Procedures.

If any student feels he/she had been mistreated by another student, or a member of the college staff, the student may file a “non-academic grievance.”

Section 8.24 Equal Opportunity in Employment, Programs, Services and Activities


Procedures: Equal Opportunity in Employment, Programs, Services and Activities – Procedures.

The City Colleges of Chicago is strongly committed to ensuring that its learning and working environments are free of discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment. CCC will take action to stop discrimination or harassment, remedy discrimination or harassment and prevent recurrence of discrimination or harassment. The Board of Trustees of the City Colleges of Chicago (“CCC”) prohibits unlawful discrimination or harassment with respect to hire, terms and conditions of employment, continued employment, admissions, or participation in Board programs, services, or activities (regardless of whether such programs, services or activities occur on CCC property) on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, age, religion, citizenship status, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, order of protection status, disability, genetic information, military status, or status as a member of any other protected class under federal, state, or city law.2

Prohibited harassment under this policy includes: using racial or ethnic slurs, making religious, ethnic, or gender specific jokes, distributing offensive cartons or figures, spreading sexual rumors, and other conduct which interferes with the individual's work or academic performance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning environment.

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is prohibited by this policy, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”), and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”). Sexual harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other expressive or physical conduct of a sexual nature where:

  • Submission to such conduct is made a condition of employment or education;
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is the basis for an academic or a personnel decision affecting the individual; or
  • Such conduct interferes with the individual’s academic or work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive learning or work environment.

Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to, sexual advances, repeated date requests, sexual gestures, sexual cartoons or images, discussions about sexual activity, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual misconduct, and sexual assault. Under Illinois law (720 ILCS 5/12-13) the crime of criminal sexual assault is committed when a person does any of the following:

  • Commits an act of sexual penetration by the use of force or threat of force
  • Commits an act of sexual penetration and the accused knew that the victim was unable to understand the nature of the act or was unable to give knowing consent
  • Commits an act of sexual penetration with a victim who was under 18 years of age when the act was committed and the accused was a family member
  • Commits an act of sexual penetration with a victim who was at least 13 years of age but less than 18 years of age when the act was committed and the accused was 17 years of age or over and held a position of trust, authority or supervision in relation to the victim

City Colleges’ EEO Policy can be viewed in its entirety at


As a public community college district, CCC adheres to federal, state and city laws and regulations regarding non-discrimination. Should any federal, state or city law or regulations be adopted that prohibits discrimination based on characteristics not included in this policy, discrimination on those additional bases will also be prohibited by this policy.

Section 8.25 College Rules

  • Except on special occasions, all food consumption is limited to the student lounges and cafeteria. Food and drink may not be taken to other unauthorized places.
  • Students must leave college premises at closing time unless written permission has been received from an authorized official.
  • Every student is required to carry an official college identification card at all times and to display it upon request of any member of the faculty, staff, administration, and security officers.
  • Children must not be left unattended and should not be on campus for extended periods.
  • Gambling is not allowed on college premises.
  • Changes of names and addresses must be reported promptly to the Office of the Registrar.

Section 8.26 Drug and Alcohol Free Campus

Students are expected to behave in a manner appropriate to a place of study and learning. The following kinds of behavior are contrary to those expectations and will be cause for college disciplinary action:

  • Possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages except at an off-campus activity where all in attendance meet the minimum age established by state law and where the location of the activity does not prohibit such beverages.
  • Possession, sale, use or distribution of any narcotic drug, marijuana or other addictive or hallucinogenic substance prohibited by state or federal law.

More information is available on our Consumer Information webpages.

Section 8.27 Headcovering Policy

Note: this policy was deleted effective December 2019.

Section 8.28 Religious Accommodations

CCC will reasonably accommodate the religious observance of individual students in regard to admissions, class attendance, and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements. Students who are unable to attend classes or to participate in any examination, study, or work requirement on a particular day based upon a sincerely held religious belief may be excused and have an opportunity to make up the examination, study or work requirement missed because of such absence on a particular day. To be excused for such absences, students must notify their instructors well in advance of any anticipated absence or a pending conflict between a scheduled class and the religious observance, provided that the make-up examination, study, or work does not create undue hardship for the college. No charges of any kind shall be assessed by the institution for making available to the student such an opportunity. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this policy. Excused absences from classes or examinations for religious observances will not be counted against any mandatory attendance requirements, but they do not relieve students from responsibility for any part of the course work required during the period of absence. The instructor may appropriately respond if the student fails to satisfactorily complete any alternative assignment or examination. Students may raise any claim that they have been denied an educational benefit due to their religious beliefs or practices under this policy through the EEO Office.

Section 8.29 Health Examinations

All students must comply with any requirement of the Department of Health of the City of Chicago as a precondition to their admission or continuance as students of CCC and must submit to a health examination when directed to do so by the College President.

Section 8.30 Infectious Diseases

Procedures: Infectious Diseases

The Chancellor, College President or their designees will report all incidents of infectious diseases to the City of Chicago Department of Health or other responsible public agency as required by law upon report, to the Chancellor, College President or their designees will follow the direction of the responsible public agency.

It is the policy of CCC to not discriminate, in enrollment or employment, against any individual infected with a communicable disease. The Illinois Department of Public Health and the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have specified diseases that are contagious, infectious, communicable and dangerous to the public health. Instances of communicable diseases will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and reasonable accommodations will be made in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, regulations and rules. CCC is committed to protecting the health and general welfare of the students, faculty and staff.

CCC will not disclose the identity of any employee or student who has a communicable disease, except as authorized by law or where that individual provides written consent.

All confidential medical information about an individual will be handled in compliance with legal requirements and professional ethical standards.

The college shall identify sources of competent and confidential testing for communicable diseases as well as counseling services upon request.

Section 8.31 Tobacco-Free Campus

In accordance with the Illinois Clean Indoor Air Act, and in recognition of the U.S. Surgeon General's Report indicating that secondary smoke (smoke that exists in the air because of a smoker nearby) is hazardous to the health of non-smokers, the use of all tobacco products (including smokeless tobacco products) is prohibited on all CCC campuses, satellite locations, District Office and offsite facilities, including parking lots. A healthy campus is defined as a tobacco-free campus which prohibits the use of all forms of tobacco (including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookah, electronic cigarettes, chew, snuff, and other smokeless tobacco products) and the sale of these products on campus-owned or leased property, including buildings, grounds, plazas, ramps, parking lots and outdoor common areas. No ashtrays or smoking shelters are provided on tobacco-free campus grounds.

To minimize health risk, improve the quality of air and enhance the CCC environment, no consumption of tobacco or tobacco product is allowed on any College property or in any College facility; this includes all buildings, College owned or leased vehicles, walkways, inside College or fleet vehicles, College grounds, sidewalks and streets within the campus proper and any other college owned property. Littering the campus with the remains of tobacco products or any other disposable product is prohibited.

In furtherance of this policy, CCC actively promotes smoking cessation assistance and prevention services to students, faculty and employees who wish to stop using tobacco products. Assistance to students, faculty and employees to overcome addiction to tobacco products and information regarding cessation programs is available through the various CCC Wellness Centers or other partners.

Section 8.32 Safety & Security Policy

The City Colleges of Chicago has an obligation to provide a safe environment free from violence and threats of violence where civility is valued. To that end, it is the intent of CCC to make reasonable efforts to provide for the safety and security of its students, faculty, staff, public, and property. More information is available at the Office of Safety & Security.

Section 8.33  Alert System

In case of emergency, CCC students will be notified via email, home or cell phone, and/or text message as indicated by registering with the CCC Emergency Alert System.

Section 8.34 Responsible Computer Use

Faculty, staff and students are required to comply with CCC’s Responsible Computer Use Policy in Article 6, Board Policies and Procedures for Management & Government.

Emailing sensitive data in unencrypted format or storing unencrypted sensitive data in email mailboxes is not allowed.  Users handling Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or other sensitive information must adhere to all applicable email security procedures and OIT guidance.

Section 8.35 Student Misconduct Sanctions

Renamed: formerly Student Misconduct.

Any violation of the above stated categories may result in an informal or formal hearing resulting in one or more of the sanctions as deemed appropriate by a City Colleges of Chicago official:

Disciplinary Warning: A written reprimand stating that further misconduct will bring more serious action.

Disciplinary Probation: A written statement disqualifying a student for a specific period of time up to one (1) calendar year from participating in extra/co-curricular activities at any college. Additionally, written sanctions may be detailed describing more serious action if further violations occur.

Restitution: A written requirement that the student provide reimbursement for misappropriation of funds or damage to City Colleges’ property, or that of an individual. Reimbursement may take the form of appropriate service to repair or compensate for damages.

Community Service: A written requirement that a student perform a certain number of community service hours at CCC prior to the end of term. Completion will afford students full reinstatement of privileges.

College Suspension: A written notice of exclusion from the college, and/or class(es), privileges, and all college activities for a specified period of time of up to one (1) calendar year after which the student may be eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified. Attendance at another City College is contingent on the other college’s approval.

Districtwide Suspension: A written notice of exclusion from all City Colleges of Chicago, and/or classes(es), and/or college activities for a specified period of time of up to one (1) calendar year after which the student may be eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may be specified.

College Dismissal: Privileges to attend a certain college are permanently revoked. Attendance at another City College is contingent on the other college‘s approval.

Districtwide Expulsion: Student indefinitely restricted from enrolling or attending classes, or accessing any extra or co-curricular activities or privileges offered at any of the City Colleges of Chicago.

Revocation of a Previously Awarded Degree or Certificate: The revocation of a previously awarded degree or certificate. Note: both the student’s previously awarded degree or certificate and the revocation of such award will be included in the student’s permanent academic record.

Section 8.36 Access to College Facilities

Policy history: Access to College Facilities.

During the hours1 when the Office of Admissions, Administration, Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid and auxiliary services of the college are normally open to the students and faculty, the offices of each college shall be opened also to members of the public having business with, or seeking information from, the college. However, visitors or outsiders may be required by college personnel to present identification and to state or record their presence, destination, and purpose when seeking admission to the college’s facilities under security procedures deemed necessary by the Vice Chancellor of Safety and Security or the Director of Safety and Security.

Except as otherwise ordered, college facilities shall be closed to unauthorized personnel after normal college hours. College facilities also shall be closed to the public in emergency situations and at such other times as may be necessary for the orderly conduct of the college’s business.

Admission to college facilities during periods when such facilities are closed to the public will be limited to authorized individuals who may be required to sign the register and/or display identification documents when requested by security staff or other authorized individuals.


Hours vary at each college.

Section 8.37 Student Travel and Chaperone Policy

Procedures: Student Travel and Chaperone Policy – Procedures.

CCC encourages its students to participate in off-campus programs that provide valuable learning opportunities and enforces specific student travel policies to support student well- being and safety and responsible management of travel expenses. Students and Chaperones are required to follow specific guidelines based upon the type of student group that is traveling. While travel approval requirements vary by student group, travel must be pre-approved by following the specific student group’s guidelines for release forms, medical forms, MOU certifications, trip sponsor and chaperone requirements, means of travel, and reimbursement.

Because CCC-sponsored student travel is considered an official student activity, all CCC student conduct policies apply.

Student Travel Chaperones have many responsibilities before, during, and after the sponsored trip; while in route; and while at the destination of the sponsored trip. Chaperones follow CCC chaperone guidelines for handling of emergencies, response to participant concerns and problems, on-the-spot provision of trip documents, and monitoring of participant’s behavior and whereabouts. Chaperones adhere to CCC drug and alcohol policies and other policies and guidelines including the Clery Act, FERPA, and HIPAA.

Section 8.38 Individuals Visiting Classes

Policy history: Individuals Visiting Classes.

Only individuals who are officially registered for a class shall be allowed to be present in a class. Students may not bring children into the classroom while instruction is occurring. College administrators do not require written permission to visit a class.

Section 8.39 Student Government

Student government and the Student Government Association are authorized and supported by the Board of Trustees for the purpose of representing the interests and concerns of all CCC students; acting as a liaison body between students, the board and administration; and providing general oversight of all student clubs, groups, and organizations through initial club ratification and fiscal authority. More information may be found at

Section 8.40 Student Conduct Complaint

Procedures: Student Conduct Complaint – Procedures

Any student or member of the faculty, staff, or administration may file a student conduct complaint with the Dean of Student Services. If the complaint constitutes a violation of the student conduct policy, then the student against whom a complaint is made shall have the right to be notified in writing of the complaint, including the specifics of the alleged student conduct policy violation(s) and shall be provided the opportunity to present his/her version of the facts in writing no later than two (2) academic days after receipt of the complaint notification. See Glossary of Terms for the definition of “academic days.”

Matters involving complaints of sexual harassment, sexual assault, relationship violence, and similar Title IX concerns are addressed through the process for Disciplinary Hearings Involving Allegations of Sexual Harassment and are immediately reported to the Title IX District Director.

Section 8.41 Student Complaints and Compliments

Policy History: Student Complaints and Compliments
The Complaints/Compliments Management System is an online portal, whereby City Colleges of Chicago (CCC) students, faculty, staff, and community members can submit a formal complaint or compliment regarding an academic or non-academic matter. Complaints and/or compliments can be submitted here. Complaints that are appeals for Instructional Grading, Academic Dishonesty, or Enrollment Status or other identified policies must follow the separate policy and procedure.

Section 8.42 Emergency Closures

With the well-being of CCC students, faculty, and staff our top priority, City Colleges of Chicago may decide to close any or all of its facilities during extreme weather, power outages, emergencies, or other events. The Chancellor and/or designee may confer with both internal and external stakeholders to determine the appropriate course of action. When CCC announces an emergency closure, alerts (emails, phone calls, and/or text messages) will be sent out using the emergency notification system.

Section 8.43 Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use

  • AI tools and services are open resources, which means that standard CCC security, privacy, and compliance measures are not applied when using these technologies. 
  • AI tools should only be used with data classified as public, under the Data Governance guidelines.
  • AI tools can generate incomplete, incorrect, or biased responses, so any output should be carefully reviewed. 
  • Faculty, staff, and students are required to adhere with all CCC policies and use AI legally, ethically, and responsibly.