Glossary of Terms
The Associate in Arts degree is designed to prepare students for transfer leading to a baccalaureate degree from four-year colleges and universities. Incoming students may choose from a broad selection of liberal arts and science courses leading to an AA degree.
The Associate in Applied Science degree is designed for students primarily interested in acquiring technical-occupational skills to enter the job market immediately upon graduation. Although the AAS is not considered a transfer degree program, it may permit students to transfer to a four-year college or university that could lead to a baccalaureate degree.
Advanced certificate; generally certificates with a credit hour value of 30 or more.
Academic Days
Academic days are week days, excluding holidays, when classes are in session.
Adult Education
Program for students without a high school diploma, who wish to prepare for a high school equivalency examination, who want to improve their basic skills, or for whom English is a non-native language.
The Associate in Engineering Science degree is designed to prepare students to transfer with junior class standing to a baccalaureate engineering program. Students will complete general education core courses; required Mathematics, Physical and Life Sciences and Computer Science courses, as well as specialty courses in Engineering Science. Admission to the AES degree program is competitive, and students must meet program admission requirements.
The Associate in Fine Arts degree is designed to prepare students to transfer with junior class standing to a baccalaureate institution. Students may major in one of the following areas: Music Education and Music Performance. Application to the AFA program is competitive and students must meet program admission requirements.
The Associate in General Studies degree is a flexible alternative for students who wish to explore a range of subject areas without concentrating on any particular one or who are undecided about future educational or career goals. The AGS is neither a transfer nor a career entry degree. While other colleges may accept credit earned toward this degree, no articulation agreements guaranteeing that the student will enter a Bachelor’s Degree program with junior standing has been established.
The Associate in Science is designed to prepare students for transfer leading to a baccalaureate degree from four-year colleges and universities. Incoming students may choose from a broad selection of liberal arts and science courses leading to an AS degree.
Basic certificate; generally certificates with a credit hour value of 29 or less.
CCC has four careers in which students can enroll: Credit, Skills, Continuing Education - Professional & Personal Development, and Adult Education.
Collective Bargaining Agreement. Unless otherwise stated, CBA refers to the agreement between the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 508, County of Cook and State of Illinois and the Cook County College Teachers Union, Local 1600 AFT, AFL-CIO, Chicago, IL (Faculty and Training Specialists).
The City Colleges of Chicago, Community College District Number 508, County of Cook and State of Illinois.
College Dismissal
Privileges to attend a certain College are permanently revoked. Attendance at another City College are contingent on the other College‘s approval.
College Suspension
A written notice of exclusion from the College, classes, privileges, and all College activities for a specified period of time. Reinstatement would be contingent on an appeal to the Dean of Student Services.
Community Service
A written requirement that a student must perform a certain number of community service hours either at the college or at a partnering community-based agency prior to end of term at CCC. Completion will afford students full reinstatement of privileges.
Continuing Education - Professional & Personal Development
Educational programs designed to provide students lifelong learning opportunities. These non-credit courses include enrichment, career advancement, customized training for businesses and organizations, and certificate training programs.
Course Directive
A course directive (sometimes referred to as a course substitution) may be authorized wherein a successfully completed course outside of the curriculum (limitations apply) may be used to satisfy a requirement of the student’s academic program.
Data Steward
Appointed administrator for each major data domain to ensure the quality, integrity, and security of data.
Disciplinary Probation
A written statement disqualifying a student for a specific period of time from participating in extra/co-curricular activities at any college. Additionally, written sanctions may be detailed describing more serious action if further violations occur.
Disciplinary Warning
A written reprimand stating that further misconduct will bring more serious action.
Student indefinitely restricted from enrolling or attending classes, or accessing any extra or co-curricular activities offered at any of the City Colleges of Chicago.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. More information may be found at
Full-Time Student
Full-time students carry a course load of 12 or more semester/term hours (6 credit hours or more during the Summer term).
Home College
A student’s home college, also referred to as official college or college of record, is the college selected by the student where the student intends to earn his/her credential or take classes. The home college must offer the academic program/plan selected by the student. Once established, the home college is updated only in consultation with and upon agreement by the student. A student’s home college is recorded in the student system. The selected home college together with academic career, program, and plan defines a student’s academic intent.
Institutional Student Information Record is the college electronic output document of student’s Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA).
Non-Attendance Institution - Credit Students
Attendance taking is not required in every class meeting, except the first class. However, CCC is required to report students who have never attended and/or the last date of attendance.
Part-Time Student
Part-time students carry a course load of less than 12 semester/term hours (5 credit hours or fewer during the Summer term).
Type of degree, certificate, or course of study pursued (i.e., AA, AAS, AAT, AES, AFA, AGS, and AS degrees and AC and BC certificates).
Provisional Final Grade
The provisional final grade is the final grade a student would earn if the student does not complete any of the incomplete coursework (final assignments, papers, exams, etc.) and therefore is graded “zero” on those incomplete class requirements, following the issuance of an Incomplete “I” grade (see I – Incomplete).
Return to Title IV. Title IV funds include Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, and Federal Direct Loans.
Requirement Term
The graduation requirements in effect at the beginning of a particular term. All credential seeking students are assigned a Requirement Term (set of academic catalog requirements).
A written requirement that the student provide reimbursement for misappropriation or damage to City Colleges property, or that of an individual.
Service Indicators
Used to indicate either an academic, financial, or business issue which may affect a student’s ability to register or receive financial assistance.
A time period within a term in which a group of classes begin and end.
Statistical (STAT) Date
The Statistical (STAT) Date, often referred to as the transcript date, is typically 8 calendar days after the class start date for a 16-week class (fewer than 8 days for classes of shorter duration). After the STAT date, a transcriptable class will appear on the student’s official transcript, and the class will count as an attempt for financial aid purposes. For any given class, the STAT Date is available in the student portal ( >This Semester> Class Tiles) or on the study list.
Any person taking classes at CCC – whether full-time or part-time, credit or non- credit – or enrolled in any academic program, plan, or course, or accessing any service offered by CCC. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular term but who have a continuing relationship with CCC are considered students.
Refers to the process of enrolling at a four-year institution to pursue a baccalaureate degree after attending a CCC college or to students who enroll at a CCC college after attending another two-year institution or a four-year institution.
Vocational Skills Program
Short-term training in business, health, and industrial occupations.