IAI GECC Courses

City Colleges of Chicago participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a comprehensive statewide effort among more than 100 colleges and universities in Illinois to facilitate the transfer of students.

The table below lists every course currently approved at City Colleges of Chicago that meets the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) General Education Core Curriculum (GECC). 

While CCC tries to maintain the below information to the best of its abilities, it is subject to change. To view the most current listing of IAI courses approved at City Colleges, please visit the individual pages for GECC courses and Major courses at iTransfer.org.

Course Code Title IAI Code DA HW KK MX OH TR WR
AFRO AM 101 Introduction to African-American Studies H2 909D X X X X
AFRO AM 101 Introduction to African-American Studies HF 906D X X
ANTHRO 201 Intro to Biological and Cultural Evolutions of Humans S1 900N X X X
ANTHRO 201 Intro to Biological and Cultural Evolutions of Humans S1 902 X X X
ANTHRO 202 Cultural Anthropology S1 901N X X X X X X X
ANTHRO 205 Applied Anthropology S1 904D X
ANTHRO 206 Introduction to Archaeology S1 903 X
ART 103 Art Appreciation F2 900 X X X X X X X
ART 130 African-American Art F2 906D X X X
ASTROMY 201 Descriptive Astronomy P1 906 X X X X X
ASTROMY 203 The Solar System P1 906L X X
BIOLOGY 109 Human Genetics & Evolution L1 907 X
BIOLOGY 114 General Education Biology L1 900L X X X X X X X
BIOLOGY 115 Human Biology L1 904L X X X X X X X
BIOLOGY 119 Environmental Biology L1 905L X X X X
BIOLOGY 121 Biology I L1 910L X X X X X X X
BIOLOGY 122 Biology II L1 910L X X X X X X X
BOTANY 201 General Botany I L1 901L X X X
CHEM 121 Basic Chemistry I P1 902L X X X X X X X
CHEM 201 General Chemistry I P1 902L X X X X X X X
CHINESE 104 Chinese IV H1 900 X
CMMEDIA 163 Film Rhetoric F2 909 X
ECON 201 Principles of Economics I S3 901 X X X X X X X
ECON 202 Principles of Economics II S3 902 X X X X X X X
ENGLISH 101 Composition C1 900 X X X X X X X
ENGLISH 102 Composition C1 901R X X X X X X X
ENVR ST 101 Man & Environment I L1 905 X
ENVR TC 107 Environmental Geology P1 908 X X
FIN ART 104 The World Of The Cinema F2 908 X X X X
FIN ART 105 History of Painting, Sculpture & Architecture F2 900 X X
FIN ART 107 History of Architecture, Painting & Sculpture I F2 901 X X X X X
FIN ART 108 Hist Of Arch Paint Sculp II F2 902 X X X X X X
FIN ART 109 History of Cinema F2 909 X X
FIN ART 110 Opera And The Humanities F1 910 X
FIN ART 111 History of Photography F2 904 X
FIN ART 112 Dance Appreciation F1 906 X
FIN ART 114 Film History I F2 910 X X X X
FIN ART 115 Film History II F2 911 X X X X X
FRENCH 104 Fourth Course French H1 900 X X X
FRENCH 213 Intro To Modern Literature French H3 916 X X
FRENCH 214 Readings In Literature French H3 916 X X X
GEOG 101 World Geography S4 900N X X X X
GEOG 101 World Geography S4 906 X X X X
GEOG 102 Economic Geography S4 903N X X
GEOG 201 Physical Geography P1 909 X X X X
GEOLOGY 201 Physical Geology P1 907L X X X X X
GWSS 102 Introduction to Gender and Sexuality Diversity S9 902D X
GWSS 103 Introduction to Social Justice S9 902D X
GWSS 202 Abolitionist Feminism through Liberative Expressive Arts and Research HF 907D X
GWSS 203 Feminist and Queer Artivisms for Social Change HF 907D X
HISTORY 111 History of American People To 1865 S2 900 X X X X X X X
HISTORY 112 History of American People From 1865 S2 901 X X X X X X X
HISTORY 114 The Afro-American in American History S2 923D X X
HISTORY 141 History of World Civilization to 1500 S2 912N X X X X X X X
HISTORY 142 Hist World Civilz Frm 1500 S2 913N X X X X X X X
HISTORY 215 History of Latin America S2 920N X X X X X X X
HISTORY 216 U.S. Latinx History S2 923D X X X X X X X
HISTORY 225 Modern Middle East History S2 920N X
HISTORY 243 The Far East in the Modern World S2 920N X X
HISTORY 247 African History to Colonial Period S2 920N X X X X X X
HISTORY 248 African History - Modern Period S2 920N X X X X X
HUM 123 Intro To Arts & Ideas HF 900 X X X
HUM 143 Intro To Latin American/Latino Studies HF 906D X X X X X
HUM 144 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies HF 907D X X X X X
HUM 145 Intro To Diversity/Ethnic Studies HF 906D X X
HUM 146 Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender HF 907D X
HUM 201 General Course I Humanities HF 900 X X X X X X X
HUM 202 General Course II Humanities HF 901 X X X X X X X
HUM 203 Arts of Contemporary America HF 900 X
HUM 205 World Literature I H3 906 X X X X X X
HUM 207 The Great Books H3 907 X X X
HUM 208 Women In Creative-Performing Arts HF 907D X X
HUM 209 Latinxs in Chicago HF 906D X X X X X X
HUM 210 Comparative Mythology H9 901 X X X X X
HUM 212 Non-Western Humanities HF 904N X X X X X
HUM 215 The Art and Philosophy of the African Continent HF 904N X X
ITALIAN 104 Fourth Course Italian H1 900 X
JAPANES 104 Fourth Course Japanese H1 900 X
LIT 110 Introduction To Literature H3 900 X X X X X X X
LIT 111 Poetry H3 903 X X X X X X X
LIT 112 Drama H3 902 X X X X X X X
LIT 113 Fiction H3 901 X X X X X X X
LIT 114 Ideas In Prose H3 904 X X X X
LIT 115 Great Books Seminar/Topics Literature H3 907 X
LIT 116 American Literature from Colonial Days to Civil War H3 914 X X X
LIT 117 American Literature from the Civil War to the 20th Century H3 915 X X X X X
LIT 118 English Literature from its Beginnings to the Age of Johnson H3 912 X X
LIT 119 English Literature from the Romantic Revival to the 20th Century H3 913 X X X
LIT 121 Contemporary African American Literature H3 910D X X X X X X X
LIT 122 Perspectives in Black Literature H3 910D X X
LIT 123 Literature of the U.S. from the Civil War to the Present H3 915 X
LIT 126 Contemporary American Literature H3 914 X
LIT 126 Contemporary American Literature H3 915 X X X X X
LIT 127 Contemporary British Literature H3 913 X
LIT 128 Latin American Literature H3 908N X X X X X
LIT 129 U.S. Latino (a) Literature H3 910D X X X X
LIT 130 Children's Literature H3 918 X X
LIT 132 Native American Literature H3 910D X
LIT 137 The Black Woman In Black Fiction H3 911D X
LIT 150 Women's Literature H3 911D X X X X X X X
LIT 153 Gay and Lesbian Literature H3 911D X X
LIT 155 Literature and Film F2 905 X
LIT 155 Literature and Film F2 908 X
LIT 155 Literature and Film HF 908 X X X X X
LIT 156 Creative Non-fiction H3 904 X
LIT 211 Shakespeare H3 905 X X X X X
LIT 220 World Literature H3 906 X
MATH 118 General Education Math M1 904 X X X X X X X
MATH 122 Math For Elementary Teachers II M1 903 X X X X X X X
MATH 124 Critical Mathematics M 1904 X
MATH 125 Introductory Statistics M1 902 X X X X X X X
MATH 144 Finite Mathematics M1 906 X X X X X X
MATH 146 Discrete Mathematics M1 905 X X X X X X X
MATH 204 Calculus For Business & Social Sciences M1 900-B X X X X X X X
MATH 207 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I M1 900-1 X X X X X X X
MATH 208 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II M1 900-2 X X X X X X X
MATH 209 Calculus & Analytic Geometry III M1 900-3 X X X X X X X
MUSIC 121 Introduction To Music F1 900 X X X X X X X
MUSIC 124 Trends In Mod Amer Music F1 904 X X X X X X
MUSIC 183 World Music F1 903N X X X X X X
MUSIC 221 Music Literature & History F1 900 X
MUSIC 221 Music Literature & History F1 901 X
OCEAN 101 Intro To Oceanography P1 905 X
OCEAN 201 Marine Sciences P1 905 X
PHIL 105 Logic H4 906 X X X X X X X
PHIL 106 Introduction To Philosophy H4 900 X X X X X X X
PHIL 107 Ethics H4 904 X X X X X X X
PHIL 108 Philosophy Of Religion H4 905 X X X X X X X
PHIL 110 Social/Political Philosophy H4 907 X X X X
PHIL 201 Greek Philo To Renaisssance H4 901 X X X
PHIL 202 Enlightenment To Present H4 902 X X X
PHIL 215 Problems In Philosophy H4 900 X
PHIL 216 Critical Thinking H4 906 X
PHY SCI 101 General Course Physical Science P1 905 X
PHY SCI 101 General Course Physical Science P9 900 X X X X X X
PHY SCI 102 General Course Physical Science P9 900 X X
PHY SCI 107 Current Public Issues in Physical Science P9 900 X X X X X
PHY SCI 111 General Course I Physical Science P1 905L X X
PHY SCI 111 General Course I Physical Science P9 900L X X X X X
PHY SCI 112 General Course II Physical Science P9 900L X X X X X
PHY SCI 118 Introduction to Meteorology P1 905L X
PHYSICS 115 Physics of Energy and Climate P1 901 X X X
PHYSICS 221 Mechanics, Waves, and Heat P1 900L X X X X X X X
PHYSICS 231 General Physics I: Mechanics & Wave Motion P1 900 X
PHYSICS 235 Engineering Physics I: Mechanics & Wave Motion P2 900L X X X X X
POL SCI 200 Principles of Political Science S5 903 X
POL SCI 201 The National Government S5 900 X X X X X X X
POL SCI 203 Comparative Government S5 905 X X X X
POL SCI 204 International Relations S5 904 X X X X X
POL SCI 207 U.S. State & Local Government S5 902 X X X
POLISH 104 Fourth Course Polish H1 900 X
PSYCH 201 General Psychology S6 900 X X X X X X X
PSYCH 207 Child Psychology S6 903 X X X X X X X
PSYCH 211 Social Psychology S8 900 X X X X X X
PSYCH 214 Adolescent Psychology S6 904 X X
PSYCH 222 Adult Development And Aging S6 905 X X X
PSYCH 224 Life Span Developmental Psychology S6 902 X X X X X X
RELIGN 101 Introduction To Religion H5 900 X X X
RELIGN 101 Introduction To Religion H5 904N X
RELIGN 102 The Bible - Hebrew Old Test H5 901 X X X X
RELIGN 103 The Bible - New Testament H5 901 X X X X
RELIGN 104 Islamic Scriptures: The Qur'an H5 901 X X X
RELIGN 106 Comparative Religion/Eastern Religion H5 904N X X X X
RELIGN 107 Com Rel II Western Religion H5 904N X X X
SOC 201 Intro To the Study Of Society S7 900 X X X X X X X
SOC 203 Marriage And The Family S7 902 X X X X X X X
SOC 205 Social Problems S7 901 X X X X X
SOC 207 The Sociology Of Sex & Gender S7 904D X X X X X X
SOC 211 Race & Ethnic Relations S7 903D X X X X
SOC 241 Institutional Racism S7 903D X X X
SOC SCI 101 General Course I Social Science S9 900 X X X X X X X
SOC SCI 102 General Course II Social Science S9 901 X X X X X X X
SPANISH 104 Fourth Course Spanish H1 900 X X X X X X
SPANISH 111 Spanish For Hispanos H1 900 X X X
SPANISH 113 Spanish For Near Native Speakers I H1 900 X
SPANISH 210 Modern Civilization & Culture Spanish H1 900 X X X
SPANISH 213 Intro To Modern Literature Spanish H3 916 X X X
SPANISH 214 Readings In Literature Spanish H3 916 X X X
SPEECH 101 Fundamentals of Speech Communication C2 900 X X X X X X X
THR ART 131 Intro To Theater F1 907 X X X
THR ART 134 Theater Diversity in the U.S. F1 907 X X X X
THR ART 134 Theater Diversity in the U.S. F1 909D X X X

IAI Code Legend:

Beginning with:
C: Communications
F: FineArts
H: Hum
HF: Interdisciplinary Hum and FineArts
L: Life Science
P: Physical Science
S: Social & Behavioral Sciences 

Ending with:
D: Courses designed specifically to examine aspects of human diversity within the United States.
L: Courses with a lab component
N: Courses designed specifically to examine aspects of human diversity from a non-U.S./non-European perspective.