IAI Major Courses

City Colleges of Chicago participates in the Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI), a comprehensive statewide effort among more than 100 colleges and universities in Illinois to facilitate the transfer of students.

The table below lists every course currently approved at City Colleges of Chicago as an Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI) Majors course. 

While CCC tries to maintain the below information to the best of its abilities, it is subject to change. To view the most current listing of IAI courses approved at City Colleges, please visit the individual pages for GECC courses and Major courses at iTransfer.org.

Course Code CCC Course Title IAI_Code DA HW KK MX OH TR WR
ART 131 General Drawing ART 904 X X X X X X X
ART 132 Advance General Drawing ART 905 X X X X X
ART 144 Two Dimensional Design ART 907 X X X X X X
ART 145 Three Dimensional Design ART 908 X X X X X
BIOLOGY 121 Biology I BIO 910 X X X X X X X
BIOLOGY 122 Biology II BIO 910 X X X X X X X
BUSINES 181 Financial Accounting BUS 903 X X X X X X
BUSINES 182 Managerial Accounting BUS 904 X X X X X X
BUSINES 236 Advertising MC 912 X X X
CHEM 201 General Chemistry I CHM 911 X X X X X X X
CHEM 203 General Chemistry II CHM 912 X X X X X X X
CHEM 205 Organic Chemistry I CHM 913 X X X X X X X
CHEM 207 Organic Chemistry II CHM 914 X X X X X X X
CHLD DV 101 Child Development: Human Growth & Development ECE 912 X X X X X X
CIS 120 Introduction to Computer Applications BUS 902 X X X X X X X
CIS 142 C++ Object Oriented Programming I CS 911 X X X X X X X
CIS 144 Java Object Oriented Programming I CS 911 X X X X X X X
CIS 242 C++ Object Oriented Programming II CS 912 X X X X X X
CIS 244 Java Object Oriented Programming II CS 912 X X X X X X X
CRM JUS 102 Administration of Criminal Justice CRJ 901 X X X X X X X
CRM JUS 114 Administration of Juvenile Justice CRJ 914 X X X X X X X
CRM JUS 155 Introduction To Corrections CRJ 911 X X X X
CRM JUS 250 Introduction To Criminology CRJ 912 X X X X
DMD 105 2D Animation MC 924 X
DMD 131 Beg Multimedia Design & Dev MC 923 X
ENGLISH 151 News Reporting And Writing MC 919 X X X
ENGLISH 152 Intro To Mass Communication MC 911 X X X X
ENGR 190 Computer Programming for Engineers CS911 X
ENGR 215 Electrical Circuit Analysis EGR 931L X X X X
MATH 125 Introductory Statistics BUS 901 X X X X X
MATH 146 Discrete Mathematics CS 915 X X X X X X X
MATH 207 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I MTH 901 X X X X X X X
MATH 208 Calculus & Analytic Geometry II MTH 902 X X X X X X X
MATH 209 Calculus & Analytic Geometry III MTH 903 X X X X X X X
MATH 210 Differential Equations MTH 911 X
MATH 210 Differential Equations MTH 912 X X X X
MATH 212 Linear Algebra MTH 911 X X X X X
MATH 216 Statistics For Business Majors BUS 901 X X
MEDIACM 102 Announcing MC 918 X
MEDIACM 145 Intro To Media Communication MC 911 X
MEDIACM 203 Media Writing MC 917 X
MEDIACM 221 Radio Production I MC 915 X
MEDIACM 231 TV Production I MC 916 X
PHIL 110 Social/Political Philosophy PLS913 X
PHYSICS 215 Statics EGR 942 X X X X X X X
PHYSICS 216 Dynamics EGR 943 X X X X X X X
PHYSICS 217 Mechanics Of Materials EGR 945 X X X X
PHYSICS 235 Engineering Physics I: Mechanics & Wave Motion PHY 911 X X X X
PHYSICS 236 Engineering Physics II: Electricity & Magnetism PHY 912 X X X X
PHYSICS 237 Engineering Physics III: Heat light and Modern Physics PHY 913 X
PHYSICS 237 Engineering Physics III: Heat light and Modern Physics PHY 915A X
PSYCH 213 Abnormal Psychology PSY 905 X X X X X X X
SPEECH 144 Oral Reading & Interpretation TA 916 X X
THR ART 130 Stagecraft TA 911 X X X
THR ART 133 Acting I TA 914 X X X X X

IAI Code Legend:

  • Agriculture (AG)
  • Art (ART)
  • Biological Sciences (BIO)
  • Business (BUS)
  • Chemistry (CHM)
  • Computer Science (CS)
  • Criminal Justice (CRJ)
  • Early Childhood Education (ECE)
  • Engineering (EGR)
  • English (EGL)
  • Mathematics (MTH)
  • Media and Communication Arts (MC)
  • Physics (PHY)
  • Political Science (PLS)
  • Theatre Arts (TA)